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Inspiration for Yoga

by Nacho Albalat, Nityananda, Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and Publications, ISBN 978-1-987972-33-7, 118 pages.   Price: 5 Euros, Cn$7.00 including GST tax and US$5.50.

Real Yoga takes us to union with the Self, eternal and joyful, surpassing the nature of our ego, what we think we are. This book, born from practice, seeks to inspire the reader to follow the yogic path of Self-realization, until the goal is reached.

Because our whole life is our Yoga, our path to the Self.

These short messages are aimed at those who want to know Yoga and those who have been practicing it for years. They are written from the perspective of the Kriya Yoga of the Siddhas. They offer inspiration to practice Yoga and a guide to accompany us on the path, which is also the path of life.

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The Light of the Siddhas: Inspiration for Inner Alchemy

by Nacho Albalat, Nityananda, Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and Publications, ISBN 978-1-987972-27-6, 139 pages.   Price: 5 Euros, Cn$7.00 including GST tax and US$5.50.

The South Indian Siddhantham tradition, the Yoga of the 18 Siddhas, points to a complete personal transformation. The Siddhas mention "soruba samadhi" as their ultimate goal, the golden union with the Self in which even the physical body of the yogi is transmuted into golden divinity.

Babaji's Kriya Yoga is the essence of the Sidhantham teachings and practices. In it the student learns to meditate on the Siddhas to receive their guidance and inspiration. This book is the result of these meditations. The author compiled the guidance received in these meditations that was useful and inspiring to him. They are shared to guide and inspire the yogic practice towards the work of inner transformation, the sacred alchemy of the Siddhas.

They are also shared following the siddha principle of service to all beings; if any reader is inspired by these messages, the effort will have been worth it. And the author's hope is that the students of the Siddhas will go much, much further down the path.

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Advancing in Yoga: The Kundalini Path, the Chakras and the Siddhas

by Nityananda, Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and Publications, ISBN 978-1-987972-18-4, 150 pages.   Price: 5 Euros, Cn$7.00 including GST tax and US$5.50.

"Advancing in Yoga" offers clear, useful and practical guidance on how to develop Kundalini, your potential power and consciousness and the chakras, the psychic energetic centers in your vital body.

"Yoga" refers to union with the Self and the disciplines which result in it. The Yoga of the Siddhas deals with the awakening of kundalini and the chakras, and in so doing, expands your consciousness beyond the limits of ordinary human nature. Old habits and tendencies resist change. This book will help you to recognize and purify such conditioning effectively.

Topics include development of the “Heart Witness,” sadhana (yogic discipline), the bliss of the Self, freedom from negative tendencies, aspiration, Grace, each of the chakras, the perfection realized by the Siddhas even in the physical body, advice to initiates regarding the advanced kriyas.

The author, Nityananda, has been teaching and practicing Babaji's Kriya Yoga for decades, and summarizes concisely and directly years of practical experience on the path.

"Advancing in Yoga" is an essential aid for the advancement and transformation process of the committed Yoga student.

It also includes instructions to accompany the Babaji’s Kriya Yoga practice, and offers alternative techniques for Yoga students in general.

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Enlightenment: It's Not What You Think

by Joan Ruvinsky with a foreword by Mark Dyczkowski, ISBN 978-1-987972-15-3, 164 pages 7 x 10 inches, softcover April 2019. Price: USD$25.00, CAD$31.45 in Canada (inc gst).

In The Recognition of Our Own Heart: Pratyabhijñahrdayam, non-dual yoga and meditation teacher Joan Ruvinsky offers up a beautifully illustrated interpretive translation of one of the foundational texts of Kashmiri Shaivism — twenty short verses that address fundamental and universal questions. Part poetry, part guidebook, part art, it conveys the richness and incandescence so characteristic of the lineage without losing sight of the last 400 years of philosophical inquiry, spiritual revelation, and scholarship.

In the footsteps of the Tantric masters of the medieval period — who were not only great yogis but also accomplished scholars, poets, musicians — Ruvinsky embraces the body, mind, and senses as pathways to enlightenment. In her distinctly poetic and down-to-earth fashion Ruvinsky reminds us to live directly, moment to moment, in the mystery. You already have what you need. She intones, “All contemplations are valid. There are no right answers, no dead ends, only pathways in the infinite.”

“…the vast emptiness of Being is inseparable from the flourish of freely, divinely inspired expression.”

Sanskrit Erratum
A short document of the 20 verses in Sanskrit, transliteration and interpretive translation, which can be of support when studying this sacred text.


From the Author:

Sangha in the form of a book in the middle of the night is a powerful friend. For you, the function of this book may be to provide a sense of community, or it may be educational, satisfying some intellectual curiosity, or it may be social, a friend on the bedside table in the dark of the night or even an opportunity for the highest communion. It is my humble and fondest hope that it evoke what we already know but perhaps have momentarily forgotten, or maybe just affirm what may be Self-evident.” – from Appendix C, The Book as Sangha, pg.154.


"With deep reverence for this 11th-century text, four women sat with all the translations they could find, chanting the Sanskrit, studying, analyzing, and finally sensing and feeling into each line until there was consensus, a mutual “ah,” and shimmer of recognition in the heart. Ruvinsky’s poetic ponderings, sourced from this deep exploration with her beloved colleagues, her own intuitive understanding, and burnished in the wisdom of pure consciousness, is her final gift to us. I am ever-grateful."

Amy Weintraub, Founder, LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute and author, Yoga for Depression and Yoga Skills for Therapists

"Numerous scholarly works have been published on this text but modern academics seem uninterested or fearful in drawing conclusions from this revelation through experience. Mark Dyczkowski, the rishi of Narad Ghat, is an exception, of course, and his foreword here is sufficient to validate its orthodoxy, of which he is one of the major guarantors. The transposition of this approach into a modern language and the proposed practical explorations that flow from it are due to Joan Ruvinsky’s creativity while at the same time, remain in alignment with the teachings of Jean Klein."

– from the Prelude by Eric Baret

"This translation and commentary on Pratyabhijñahrdayam, a seminal text of Kashmiri Shaivism, is done with deep insight and grace."

– Phillip Charles Lucas, Ph.D., Professor of Religious Studies, Stetson University

"Linger with the poetry, ponderings and practices and delve into the intimate mystery of our everyday extraordinary aliveness."

Lorin Roche; Author, The Radiance Sutras

"I Highly recommend this book for beginners as well as adepts of yoga as a joyous celebration and theoretical confirmation of practical experience."

Geetha Anand, Ph.D.., Author, Monistic Theism of the Tirumandiram and Kashmir Saivism

"An instant classic that will be honored, for generations to come. Brilliant and empowering."

Nischala Joy Devi ., Author, The Healing Path of Yoga and The Secret Power of Yoga: A Woman’s Guide to the Heart and Spirit of the Yoga Sutras.

About the Author

After encountering numerous dead-ends in the path-finding project, and having collected the regular approbations from various yoga lineage explorations, Joan Ruvinsky was drawn back to the solitude of the mountains. There, in the mountains of the southwest, what was recognised led to her to meeting Jean Klein in 1989. Klein, having never taken himself to be a teacher, eliminated the need to be a student, to have a path, a method or a goal. Finally at home in the non-dual wisdom teachings, Joan offered satsang, Pathless Yoga body and breath sensing, and text study groups at her center in Montreal as well as at retreats and seminars in Canada and the US, both in French and English. She is the author of a poetry collection, This Wind, published by The Muses’ Company.

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Enlightenment: It's Not What You Think

by M. Govindan, ISBN 978-1-987972-01-6, 192 pages 6 x 9 inches, softcover June 2016. Price: USD$16.00, CAD$14.96 in Canada (inc gst).

Enlightenment: It's Not What You Think reveals how you can replace the perspective of the ego – the habit of identifying with the body, emotions, and thoughts – with a new perspective: the Witness, that of your soul … pure consciousness. With compelling logic, practices for everyday life, and guided meditations, the book explains how you can free yourself from suffering, enjoy inner peace, and find intuitive guidance.

The essays in this book explore the descriptions of enlightenment in various spiritual and wisdom traditions, the process of becoming enlightened, and how to overcome the inner obstacles to the achievement of that goal.

"With this work, Enlightenment, Govindan delivers the gifts of siddha masters to our doorsteps. 

Here, he delineates succinctly and clearly the time-tested techniques of these masters for eliminating obstacles—our deepest afflictions of fear, doubt, and all forms of grief and sorrow which obstruct the incessant flow of our intrinsic luminosity and happiness. Enlightenment is a must-read, for it is practical, simple, and meaningful… It is a decisive tool we can use for finding life’s purpose."

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph. D; Spiritual Head, Himalayan Institute; Teacher, author, humanitarian, and visionary spiritual leader

"True enlightenment is not simply an elevated state of mind but a complete change of consciousness from the limited ego to the supreme Self-realization in which we are one with all existence – extending to all time and space and beyond.

Marshall Govindan reveals the secrets of the Yoga Siddhas and their transformative practices to help you approach that supreme enlightenment as the ultimate goal of all that you do."

Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri); Director, American Institute of Vedic Studies; Yoga, Ayurveda and Jyotish Teacher; Padma Bhushan awardee from President of India; Author: Shiva, the Lord of Yoga and over thirty books

"This eminently practical guide to spiritual life draws deeply from many wells of wisdom, including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Kriya Yoga of Babaji, the writings of the Tamil Siddhas, the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, and the insights of contemporary studies of the brain.  Written in an accessible style, this book will help its readers understand the quest for higher meaning, and provides a toolbox to inspire wayfarers on this most important of journeys. Immensely enjoyable reading!"

Christopher Key Chapple; Doshi Professor of Indic and Comparative Theology and Director; Master of Arts in Yoga Studies; Loyola Marymount University.

"We all have within ourselves an innate and underlying quality of joy that’s always present, unchanging and available, no matter our inner or outer circumstance. So how is it, then, that we don’t experience unchanging joy in every moment? This is the critical and life-changing question that Marshall Govindan explores and implores us to understand, as well as realize in his book: Enlightenment: It’s Not What You Think. Marshall offers us a potent guide of exquisite teachings that offer us both simple and straightforward answers on how we can recognize, while revealing the obstacles that otherwise distract us from realizing our birthright of unchanging joy. This is truly a guidebook for all who wish to awaken beyond ego centeredness to open-hearted and everlasting peace."

Dr. Richard Miller, Ph. D; Author of Yoga Nidra: The Meditative Heart of Yoga and iRest Meditation: Restorative Practices for Health, Resiliency and Well-Being

"Marshall Govindan’s latest book,  Enlightenment: It's not what you think, speaks of it as maintaining continuous (seamless, gapless) awareness of the underlying Reality, a state of being, rather than a state of thinking, a state of silence, which can be achieved by practising Kriya yoga, as experienced and taught by Kriya Babaji Nagaraj.   A “MUST BOOK”  for every yoga practitioner."

Dr. T.N. Ganapathy,  Ph. D.; Director, Tamil Yoga Siddha Research Centre; Ashoknagar, Chennai 600 083 Tamil Nadu, INDIA

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Babaji and 
            the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition

by M. Govindan, 1991. 216 pages with illustrations, photos and 4 maps, 100 bibliographic references and glossary.
Price: USD$21.50, CAD$27.35 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN 978-1-895383-00-3. Softcover. 6 x 9 inches.

The first authoritative biography of Babaji, the immortal master made famous by Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi", an all-time best seller. Babaji lives today near Badrinath, in the upper Himalayan mountains. His body has not aged since the age of sixteen, when centuries ago he attained the supreme state of enlightenment and divine transformation. This followed his initiation into the scientific art of Kriya Yoga by two deathless masters, the Siddhas Agastyar and Boganathar, who belonged to the "18 Siddha Tradition", famous among the Tamil speaking people of southern India. This rare account, by a longtime disciple, reveals their little known life stories, ancient culture and present mission, as well as how their Kriya Yoga can be used to bring about the integration of the material and spiritual dimensions of life. Clear explanations of the psychophysiological effects of Kriya Yoga and guidelines for its practice are given. It includes verses from the Siddhas' writings with commentary. A book which will inspire you.

"An excellent contribution to the little known science of immortality."

C. Srinivasan, Ph.D.; Professor Emeritus of Botany, Annamalai University, India.

"It is the most accurate and comprehensive exposition of the ancient Kriya Yoga tradition and method published in English to date."

E. Ayyappan; longtime disciple of Babaji.

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The Voice of Babaji: A Trilogy of Kriya Yoga

by V.T.Neelakantan, S.A.A. Ramaiah and Babaji Nagaraj, 2003.
534 pages with 8 pages in color. Price: USD$25.95, CAD$25.73 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN 978-1-895383-23-2. Softcover. 6X9 inches

Sri V.T. Neelakantan recorded verbatim a series of talks given by Satguru Kriya Babaji in 1953. These are a fountain of delight and inspiration, illuminating the Kriya Yoga path towards God realization, unity in diversity and universal love. They also reveal the magnetic personality of Babaji and how he supports us all, with much humour and wisdom. They were originally printed in three volumes: "The Voice of Babaji and Mysticism Unlocked," "Babaji's Masterkey to All Ills, (Kriya)" and "Babaji's Death of Death (Kriya)." Includes the fascinating accounts of the meetings with Babaji in Madras and in the Himalayas by authors V.T. Neelakantan and Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah. Out of print for nearly 50 years, they are profound and important statements from one of the world's greatest living spiritual masters.

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Kriya Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Siddhas

by M. Govindan, 2000. 320 pages. Price: USD$23.00, CAD$28.00 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN 978-1-895383-12-6. Softcover. 6X9 inches.

Patanjali refers to his yoga as "Kriya Yoga": the "yoga of action with awareness." His Yoga-Sutras are universally considered to be among the two or three most important texts in the field of yoga. Until now, commentators have treated it as a philosophical reference, and have largely ignored its implications for yogic practice. They have also ignored the fact that it is also an esoteric work, and that only initiates, with sufficient prior experience, can grasp its deeper meaning.

This new translation and commentary provides a practical guide to Self-realization or enlightenment. It clearly explains how to apply Patanjali's profound philosophical teachings in everyday life, in any situation. When one practices the techniques of Kriya Yoga, it is like driving a powerful automobile. But without a roadmap, most students are "stuck in traffic" or at "dead ends." Now for the first time, there is a clear roadmap to guide the student to remarkable destinations.

In Tamil Nadu and other southern states of India, there is a tradition of yogic adepts known as Siddhas, who are renowned for their longevity, miraculous powers, and remarkable contributions to an enduring culture. They have left a large body of literature, including Thirumandiram by the Siddha Thirumoolar, who was by many indications, a brother disciple of Patanjali.

"Study (svadhyaya) has always been an integral aspect of Yoga. Western students, in my opinion, need to take this yogic practice more seriously. Because of its succinctness and focus on essentials, the Yoga-Sutra is ideally suited for in-depth study. Its approach is rational, systematic, and philosophical. By contrast, the Thirumandiram is ecstatic and poetic and filled with precious nuggets of yogic experience and wisdom. Both texts complement each other beautifully, and their combined study will be found illuminating and elevating.

"Govindan's book provides an excellent platform for such a study. He writes from his own long experience of Kriya Yoga and a deep love and respect for the heritage of Yoga. Marshall Govindan's Kriya Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Siddhars is a valuable addition to the study of Yoga in general and the Yoga-Sutra in particular. I can wholeheartedly recommend it. In particular, the growing number of students of Kriya Yoga throughout the world will find his treatment indispensable, but others will benefit from it."

– From the Foreword by Dr. Georg Feuerstein, Ph D. author of "The Sutras of Patanjali" and the "Encyclopedia of Yoga."

"A significant contribution to the sadhana of every serious yoga student, this copious (nearly 300 pages) new work, the result of a 10-year effort, includes detailed translation, tips for integrating the lessons into one's practice, references to other commentaries, and indexes to both Sanskrit and English keywords in the text."

Yoga Journal - November 2001

"Marshall Govindan has produced an excellent and easily readable commentary on the often arcane Yoga Sutras, the main text of classical Yoga compiled by Patanjali from older perennial yogic teachings of India. Notably, Govindan has provided a unique perspective on this profound work from the Kriya Yoga and South Indian Shaivite traditions that gives his rendering a special value for disciples on these paths. He takes the Yoga Sutras out of academic confusion and into the realm of deeper yoga practice. He reveals the many sides of the true yogic science of consciousness that go far beyond asana or popular Yoga today."

David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri), author "Yoga and Ayurveda", Director of American Institute of Vedic Studies.

"Marshall, your book on the sutras is terrific. A few months ago I asked Swami Nityananda what was the one thing I could do for the 200 or so people I see each week as I teach yoga and he said, "teach them Patanjali's sutras". I really like the way you have organized and presented the translation. Plus, your commentary is so understandable to a western mind that I have been using readings from it to my classes at the beginning of class as we center. They seem to be 'catching on' over time if they come to class consistently. This is a great book for us western yoga practitioners, all levels, male or female."

Martin Berson, Yoga Instructor, Hartford, Connecticut, USA

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Kriya Yoga: Insights Along the Path

By M. Govindan and Jan "Durga" Ahlund, 161 pages, softcover 6 x 9 inches. Price: USD$16.00, CAD$14.96 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN 978-1-895383-49-2.

Part 1: The Dilemma of human existence: Finding lasting happiness in  things which do not last. Why Do We Practice Yoga? Karma: Cause or Consequence? Liking and Disliking: the Disease of the Mind. Doubts.. Part 2: Finding the spiritual path: Guru Purnima.   Aspiration.  Receiving the Grace of our Satguru Kriya Babaji Nagaraj. Discipleship or Devoteeship. The Significance of Initiation. What is Babaji's Kriya Yoga? The Art of Meditation. You and What You Are Not. By Contentment, Supreme Joy is Attained.  A Man's Home is His Ashram. Satsang. Sacred Space. Part 3: Making our life our Yoga: Moving towards equilibrium: Calmly Active, Actively Calm. What the World Needs Now is Love and Compassion. Judgment, or How to Avoid Harming others and Ourselves. Yoga as a Social Movement. All countries are my homeland and all persons are part of my family. Holy madness, Kundalini, Shakti pat and Ego-Crushing. How do we know whether we are progressing spiritually?  The  Yoga of the 21st Century. Tapas: Voluntary Self-Challenge. Samadhi.  Kaivalyam: Absolute Freedom. Sadhana of Life. Questions and answers. How should we concentrate in practicing mantras? How to balance internal and external focus, in order to optimize both? In Advaita Vedanta, one focuses only on the Self. Why do we have other points of   focus in Babaji's Kriya Yoga? How does Babaji's Kriya Yoga compare with the Kriya Yoga promoted by Yogananda and his successors?

"It is up to us all to choose how we would like our future to be. In making that choice, it helps to know, understand and accept ourselves, our purpose, our passions, our talents, and how we want these to manifest. A book that I highly recommend for anyone who wants to step into their Self/ Highest Potential is "Kriya Yoga: Insights Along The Path”, by Marshall Govindan and Jan Ahlund. The book is a powerful companion for aspirants, practitioners or teachers alike, who are on a path towards expanded awareness, self realisation and personal mastery. In most parts, its power is in the vast topics it covers in simple clear sincere and non-jargon and objective style. I particularly found nectar in Chapters 11 on Kaivalyadham and 12 on Sadhana of Life which encapsulated for me the questions of - Why Yoga? Why Kriya Yoga? Why be / know WHO I AM? Once you have read it, you will know how valuable it is as an aid towards remembering Who I AM, and letting go of what I am not!"

– by Marina Kapur, management consultant in the U.K.

"I felt as if you were conversing with me exclusively during many sections of the book actually. And it was really invigorating reading it. It feels really fresh and relatable to even someone like me, who has very little knowledge of spirituality. And I hope to implement many of the points prescribed in the book.

I don't know how to put this into words but I felt like that book has the power in it to change lives, I am sure it will change mine. I was able to find many points that I can apply in my life, for clearing my confusions and finding the solution.

I'm not sure if anyone except me would be able to read it now, because I have underlined most of the lines(sometimes entire paragraphs) in it so that I can find them easily!!"

– by Akhil, Kerala, India.

"So grateful for your book titled Kriya Yoga: Insights Along the Path. It has helped me tackle some very difficult situations in my own life. Also the importance of healing relationships through silence. I have tried all of these. They are so powerful."

– by Dr. Nilanjana Haldar, M.D.

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Babaji's Kriya Hatha Yoga: 18 Postures of Relaxation

By M. Govindan, 2002. 30 pages. Price: USD$8.00, CAD$8.40 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN 978-1-895383-03-4. Softcover. 8.5 x 6.25 inches.

These 18 postures were selected by Babaji from among the thousands which exist to form an efficient system for rejuvenating the physical body and preparing it for the more subtle phases of his Kriya Yoga. The immortal Himalayan master is living proof of their effectiveness. Each posture has several stages, making them suitable for the beginner and experienced student. The postures are also arranged in pairs, or counterposes, facilitating the relaxation stage following each posture. This guide is designed as a handbook, wherein each stage in each posture is individually illustrated, and explained with easy to follow instructions. The numerous benefits of each posture in the healing and prevention of various functional disorders are also indicated. An introductory chapter explains the principles to follow in their practice.

Available in Japanese. Please contact Neo Delphi Inc., in Japan : by phone at (0)3-3354.4701, by fax at (0)3-3341.4578, e-mail K. Hoshina or on the web at https://www.neo-delphi.org/

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Babaji's Kriya Yoga: Deepening Your Practice

By Jan "Durga" Ahlund and M. Govindan. ISBN 978-1-895383-64-5, 108 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, softcover with photographs and diagrams. Price: US$18.00, CAD$18.90 in Canada (inc gst).

This book provides detailed instructions, diagrams and photographs in the practice of a particular set of 18 Yoga asanas or postures, known as "Babaji's Kriya Hatha Yoga." The essays and instructions herein enable the practitioner to go beyond the development and health of the physical body, and to transform the practice of yoga asana into a spiritual practice, inducing a higher state of consciousness. Unlike earlier publications related to Hatha Yoga, this volume will show you how to transform your Hatha Yoga practice into a means for Self-Realization. It introduces students to the Five-fold Path of Babaji's Kriya Yoga. This book is dedicated to Yoga students new to Kriya Yoga and also to Initiated students looking to deepen their own practice.

"Nothing in this whole world could transform me the way Babaji’s Kriya Yoga could, and the Hatha Yoga described by the kind author of this book, changed me so immensely that I literally stopped doing every extraneous thing merely to invest hours into the practice. Today I cannot wait to get back to Hatha yoga everyday. It has become more important than anything else. It comes prior to all my worldly association even. My work life, personal joy, relations etc all have completely changed into something else.

If one practices these techniques diligently I promise him this—> he will be floored by the bliss that will begin arising within him. Hatha yoga followed by Pranyama and meditation is probably the mostly user-friendly and intoxicating thing I have ever experienced my whole life. Nothing can match this!

This book has to be one of life’s biggest gifts ever. Bigger than all else."

Dr. Nilanjana Halder, M.D.”

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The Grace of Babaji's Kriya Yoga: A Correspondence Course

by Babaji's Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas, 2005. 18-24 page monthly
(12 issues). Price: USD$120.00, CAD$126.00 (inc gst) outside Quebec, CAD$137.97 (inc gst & pst) inside Quebec. Shipping by regular mail in Canada and by airmail in USA included.

Babaji’s Kriya Yoga offers to initiated and non-initiated students of Yoga a monthly correspondence course which is designed to deepen your understanding of the principles and practices of Yoga. The course is designed to widen our perspective of our practice at all levels physically, vitally, mentally and spiritually. It introduces the right use of will to change the course of your life. In so doing it will help us to understand how we practice Babaji’s Kriya Yoga not only for our own benefit but also for the benefit of our families, friends and benefit of the world at large. Our practice of Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation and Mantra Japa takes us to the Self. This correspondence course is such an instrument, it is a time to begin a process of sharing Grace and Love. For one year, you will receive by mail, each month, (12 issues) a course of 18-24 page developing a specific theme, which builds on each other.

1st Year - 12 lessons:

  1. Grace & Living a Graceful Life;
  2. Relationships: Walking the Path with Others;
  3. The Power of the Mind;
  4. Emotions: Our Adversary, our Friend;
  5. The Subtleties of Prana;
  6. A Course of Meditation;
  7. Awareness: It is really All we Have;
  8. Definite Methods, Tangible Results;
  9. Yamas: Understanding and practicing the Power of Restraint;
  10. Transcending Conditioning through Discernment;
  11. Tapas: Bringing Intensity to our Practice;
  12. Kriya Yoga, a Guru Yoga Lineage.

2nd Year - 12 lessons:

  1. The Universal Community and Our Place in it;
  2. Complete surrender;
  3. Kriya Yoga: the Sadhana of Action with Awareness;
  4. Caring for the Soul;
  5. Difficulties Along the Way;
  6. Karma: The Cause, Part 1;
  7. Karma: The Cause, Part 2;
  8. The Sadhana of Concentration;
  9. Blind Man's Bluff, A Game of Hide and Seek;
  10. Fear, Is it Safe to Live Without It?;
  11. Life after Death: Awakening to Knowledge;
  12. Infinite Aum: Personal or Impersonal?.

We invite you to join us in this adventure of Self-exploration and discovery. You can begin this course at any time. You will be encouraged to send us your questions, comments and insights.

The teachings are drawn from the books dictated by Babaji in 1952 and 1953, the works of the Siddhas, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Ramalinga and Vedanta. For more information visit this page

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Nine Tandirams on the Tirumandiram

New Edition with a more accurate literal translation, with verse-by-verse commentary, in a 5-volume hardbound set. 3,770 pages. 3rd printing 2024. Each verse includes the original Tamil language script, its transliteration in Roman characters, its English translation and a commentary elucidating the meaning of each verse, by six eminent Tamil scholars, under the direction of Dr. T.N. Ganapathy. The last volume includes enlightened discourses from two philosophical schools of Saiva Siddhanta, a glossary, a select bibliography and index. ISBN 978-1-895383-61-4.

The Tirumandiram, by Siddha Tirumular is a sacred, monumental work of philosophical and spiritual wisdom rendered in verse form. Encyclopedic in its vast scope, and written nearly 2,000 years ago., it is one of India’s greatest texts, a spiritual treasure-trove, a Sastra containing astonishing insight. It is a seminal work and is the first treatise in Tamil that deals with different aspects of Yoga, Tantra and Saiva Siddhantha.

It took five years and a team of scholars to translate each of its more than 3,000 verses and to write extensive commentaries about them, in nine chapters, known as tandirams. This classic text contains five volumes. Each volume contains two tandirams and each verse includes the original Tamil language script, its transliteration in Roman characters, its English translation and a commentary elucidating the meaning of each verse. The last volume also contains presentations from two philosophical schools of Saiva Siddhanta, a glossary, a select bibliography and index.. It includes 3,770 pages in total.

The following eminent scholars have translated the Nine Tandirams:

Nine Tandirams on the Thirumandiram

  • Tandirams 1, 2 and 3 - Translated by Sri T.V. Venkataraman
  • Tandiram 4 - Translated by Dr T.N. Ramachandran
  • Tandiram 5 - Translated by Dr K.R. Arumugam
  • Tandiram 7 - Translated by Dr P.S. Somasundaram
  • Tandiram 8 - Translated by Dr S.N. Kandasamy
  • Tandirams 6 & 9 - Translated by Dr T.N. Ganapathy
  • Last Volume - Glossary & Select Bibliography by Dr T.N. Ganapathy
  • and index by Dr Ramesh Babus.

Dr. T.N. Ganapathy, Marshall. Govindan, Jan Ahlund and Chris Brod have served as its editors, adding commentary from their yogic experiences.

“The poems of Tirumular abound in technical terms conveying mystical experience. The symbolic, twilight language of the Siddhas has the advantage of precision, concentration, secrecy, mystery, and esoteric significance in that the symbols, at the hands of the Siddhas, become a form of artistic expression of the inexpressible. The use of the symbolic language is not merely a protection against profaning the sacred by the ignorant, but also suggests that language, however enriched, is incapable of expressing the highest experience of the spirit. Indeed, language is but a broken lamp. In Sufi terminology, any attempt to convey the inner meaning of one’s spiritual experiences in conventional language is like “sending a kiss to the beloved by a messenger.” In short, the twilight language of the Siddhas is, in essence, profoundly mystical in nature and contains a “numinous aura” and existential revelations for the man who deciphers their message.” The essential difficulty is that to understand the twilight language requires a total hermeneutic of reading, an awareness, in fact, of the total religious and philosophical structures that infuse it. It also requires one to enter deep states of meditation wherein the verse serves as a key that reveals a higher meaning to the initiate.” (from “The Yoga of Boganathar,” volume 1, by Dr. T.N. Ganapathy, page 12) To enable the reader to fulfill this requirement has indeed been the objective of this new translation and commentary.

In addition the work contains two enlightened discourses in the final volume, by the late Swami Subramaniam of Hawaii, and T.N. Arunachalam, from the two sides of the debate within Saiva Siddhanta: Tirumular’s monistic theism versus Meykandar’s pluralistic realism.. The translation and commentary has sought to avoid bias towards either of these perspectives, but rather to elucidate the work itself, making it useful to everyone regardless of their background.

Please read the attached article, “A Mystical Masterpiece is Unearthed,” about our new publication of the Tirumandiram, reproduced from the acclaimed magazine « Hinduism Today » and published in July 2010. Link to Hinduism Today Magazine

Read the book review by Georg Feuerstein

Read the book review by Nilanjana Haldar

“For more information on the Tirumandiram, Tirumular, and our related publications, visit www.tirumandiram.net

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The Wisdom of Jesus and The Yoga Siddhas

For more information including "Table of contents," reviews, sample Introduction chapter and more visit The Wisdom of Jesus blog and the new site www.jesusandyoga.net

Read the book review by Georg Feuerstein

By M. Govindan, 224 pages, bibliographical references, softcover 6 x 9 inches. Price: USD$17.00, CAD$17.33 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN 978-1-895383-43-0.

This book provides a comparison between the original and most authentic teachings of Jesus, as exemplified in his parables and paradoxical sayings, and as determined by modern, critical historical research, with the remarkably similar  teachings of the Yoga Siddhas.

Who was Jesus? One of the most influential human beings of all times? The founder of Christianity? A messiah or savior sent by God to redeem humanity of its sins? What were His teachings? Is our knowledge of Jesus limited to what is recorded in the Bible? What has modern historical research to say about what Jesus did and taught? "What were the original teachings of Jesus, before the Christian religion became organized?"

With the discovery of many new source documents in the Sinai Desert and near the Dead Sea, and with the advent of modern methods of textual analysis by scholars who are independent of institutional bias, today most Biblical scholars will agree that the books of the Bible's New Testament are written at several levels of authenticity:

  • What were likely the actual words of Jesus, quoted in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, but recorded several decades afterwards.
  • What were likely interpolations - words attributed to Jesus by unknown sources.
  • What was said about Jesus or about His teachings by others, for example, Paul in his "letters," which make up most of the rest of the New Testament, and which served as the basis for early Church dogma.

Within Christianity and in the popular understanding of Jesus and his teaching, how much have these interpolations and early Church dogma distorted or obscured the actual words and teachings of Jesus? What do the actual words of Jesus say about who Jesus was and what His teachings were? What do the actual words of Jesus not say? Answers to these questions are a prerequisite to making comparisons between the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of the Gnostics and other mystics, such as those of the Yoga Siddhas. Previous attempts by some, including Swami Prabhavananda's The Sermon on the Mount According to Vedanta, and Paramahansa Yogananda's The Second Coming of Christ, may have been flawed as they seek to make comparisons with Christianity's dogma reflected in the King James version of the Bible. They did not consider the work of biblical historians who have suggested numerous inaccuracies in this English version of the Bible, in comparison with the original Greek. They do not take into consideration the many findings that modern critical historical research has brought to light. Yogananda interpreted who Jesus was, by distinguishing "Jesus" the person from "Christ" the state of "consciousness," which He had attained. Most of his interpretation was based upon statements allegedly made by Jesus, for example, the "I am" statements, in the Gospel of John, which are now suspected to be interpolations and words not spoken by Jesus. This present work presents a comparison between the teachings of the Yoga Siddhas, with those of the teachings that are considered now to be the most authentic teachings of Jesus, based upon the results of modern, critical, historical research.

As we will see, modern historical scholars have been able to form a broad consensus about what Jesus taught, but history provides little evidence of what Jesus actually did. Nothing is recorded about the so called "missing years" of Jesus between the recorded incidents in the temple in Jerusalem, when, at the age of twelve, he spoke authoritatively to the scribes and Pharisees, and His appearance at the age of 30, when he begins his mission, by the Sea of Galilee. Therefore, we must look elsewhere to understand the influences that transformed Jesus, the carpenter's son from Nazareth, into the Messiah, or savior of the Jewish people, and the Christ, revered by millions ever since.

But there are other sources, which by comparison with what Jesus said and taught and how He lived, clearly indicate what those influences were. Examples include the writings of the Gnostics, discovered at Nag Hammadi, in the Sinai, in 1945, the Jewish Essenes, discovered at Qumram in 1948 and thousands of ancient documents which trace the development of early Christianity, and document its competing divisions.

More recently, the research of the Yoga Siddha Research Centre in Chennai, India, has brought out a series of books providing, for the first time, translation and commentary of the Yoga Siddhas, or "perfected" Yogis of India, who were contemporaries of Jesus. Their teachings and miraculous powers were remarkably similar to those of Jesus.

In this work we will explore and compare these and other areas, which will shed great light on the questions "Who was Jesus?" And "How can I best understand his teachings?"

"This work examines intriguing parallels between the putative teachings of Jesus of Nazareth (using the scholarship of the Jesus Seminar) and the Yoga Siddha tradition of South India. The author skillfully summarizes research by prominent scholars of Christian origins to paint a portrait of Jesus that confounds theological orthodoxy and argues for his status as a teacher of gnostic wisdom. Readers will gain a deeper understanding of the transformational teachings of the Yoga Siddha tradition and this tradition's echoes in the early Jesus Movement. This study forces us to reexamine the vexed question of Indian-Middle Eastern transcultural flows during the Inter-testamental period."

Dr. Phillip Lucas, Professor of Religious Studies, Stetson University, Deland, Florida, USA

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The Yoga Toolbox

by Jan Durga Ahlund, ISBN 978-1-895383-65-2. 234 pages, 7 by 9.5 inches, with over 200 black and white photographs. Price: USD$22.00, CAD$21.50 in Canada (inc gst).

This great book offers lessons in using simple tools to live a long, healthy and happy life. It is also written for those who wish to develop their understanding of Yoga and Meditation. Yoga and meditation can bring relief and promote healing from the effects of stress and bad habits on the physical body, the emotions and the mind.

Each of the sixteen chapters focuses on a different specific objective that will facilitate shaping your future life. The objectives include:

  1. gaining access to unlimited power;
  2. purifying the five bodies or sheaths;
  3. developing concentration through controlled breathing;
  4. becoming flexible in life, starting with the spine;
  5. connecting to “the inner sun” for self healing;
  6. bending forward into stress and change;
  7. removing tension and blockages in the joints;
  8. developing a strong nervous system;
  9. learning to bend backwards, digest and let go;
  10. reversing depression or sadness;
  11. stand up, be centered and act dynamically;
  12. developing deep, restful sleep;
  13. overcoming negative conditioning;
  14. mastering the art of meditation;
  15. using the power of mudras (psycho-physical gestures) to change your life;
  16. using Yoga-Nidra (deep relaxation and yogic rest) for Self awareness and to re-program your future.

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Kailash: In Quest of the Self

By Swami Vedananda. ISBN 978-1-895383-66-9, 245 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches, softcover. Price: USD$17.00, CAD$17.85 in Canada (inc gst).

This is a rare, spiritual adventure story by one dedicated monk who walked on foot over 300 miles through the mountains of India, Nepal and Tibet to Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar, the abode of the gods on earth.

Swami Vedananda gives us a vivid and honest portrayal of the physical, psychological and spiritual challenges which he had to overcome on this very difficult pilgrimage. He shares with us the insights that guided and prodded him on, and the extraordinary visions, experiences and profound teachings given to him by remarkable yogis, saints and gods, including a 700 hundred year old Siddha.

Swamiji grants us access to his meditations.

Numerous photographs and a map show us his way.

This book can be read on several levels. It is full of blessings.

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The Art of Selflove: Loving Yourself is the Key to Happiness

by Frank M. Lobsiger. 205 pages, softcover, 6 X 9 inches. Price: USD$21.00, CAD$22.53 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN 978-3-9523605-0-7.

Written by somatic therapist, seminar leader and life coach Frank M. Lobsiger, The Art of Selflove is a simple and self-empowering guide that shows you how to develop a loving and nurturing relationship with yourself. Unlike other personal growth or self-help books, The Art of Selflove provides you with a straightforward, three-step method called the Welcoming-Process™.

The Art of Self Love by Frank M. Lobsiger Written by somatic therapist, seminar leader and life coach Frank M. Lobsiger, The Art of Selflove is a simple and self-empowering guide that shows you how to develop a loving and nurturing relationship with yourself. Unlike other personal growth or self-help books, The Art of Selflove provides you with a straightforward, three-step method called the Welcoming-Process™. The Welcoming-Process™ was personally designed by Frank Lobsiger, as a practical tool to empower yourself whenever you feel stressed, upset, or simply off center. You can use this method whenever you are in need of love and empowerment – regardless of the circumstances or obstacles you face. Cultivating the Art of Selflove with the Welcoming-Process™ will enable you to transform self-criticism and self-rejection into self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. Every time you use this process, you will take another step toward mastering The Art of Selflove.

Benefits of the Welcoming-Process™

As you begin to practice the Welcoming-Process™ on a regular basis, your life will begin to change in magnificent ways. Instead of being weighed down with negative feelings, you can:

  • Transform and harmonize your negative self-talk, self-attack and bad moods
  • Build a consistent, loving attitude towards yourself and all your experiences
  • Strengthen your inner observer and expand your self-awareness and mindfulness
  • Connect consciously with your Inner Self – the true source of love and happiness
  • Feel more loved, happy and whole from within
  • Welcome and allow all of your experiences, even the uncomfortable ones
  • Empower yourself by taking responsibility for all of your experiences
  • Increase your inner sense of freedom, autonomy and self-reliance
  • Create more harmonious and fulfilling relationships
  • Master the art loving yourself and others
  • And much more …

Simple exercises, eye-catching illustrations, easy to read text boxes, and real-life Welcoming-Sessions will provide step-by-step guidance and help you master the Welcoming-Process™ – the central technique to cultivate The Art of Selflove.

Loving yourself with the Welcoming-Process™ will transform the negative thought patterns and disempowering habits that have plagued you for years. Once you have fully embraced this process, you will possess a skill that you can use for the rest of your life. Ultimately, you will realize that The Art of Selflove deepens your connection with your Inner Self, the true source of love and happiness within

Loving Yourself Harmonizes Your Life When it comes to forming fulfilling relationships, creating satisfying lives, and being happy, we often struggle. It isn’t a matter of wanting to be unhappy or not wanting to do our best; the reality is that most of us just aren’t sure how to support our own personal growth and do not know how to cultivate Selflove in one’s life.

With the Welcoming-Process™ you will be able to relate to yourself and others in a conscious, self-empowered, and loving way and thus to feel more loved, happy, and whole from within. Remember, loving yourself is the key to happiness and The Art of Selflove can show you how …!

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Yogic teachings of Jesus

By Nityananda

Nobody in the West is as famous and as unknown as Jesus, despite our culture being built around His teachings.

Yogic teachings of Jesus" compares the mystical teachings of Jesus with essential texts from the yogic tradition of the Siddhas from India. Raised in a strict Catholic culture, the author felt the need of integrating the figure and teachings of Jesus with his practice of Yoga. So he wrote this book to reconcile both views, for himself and for others in a similar situation.

Visit the web www.yogaandchristianity.com for more free articles of Nityananda about Yoga and Christianity.


How I became a disciple of Babaji

by M. Govindan. 90 pages. From early years of seeking through ascetic trials in India and Sri Lanka, filled with adventure and difficulties, the author shares a rare story with unusual candor and courage. His inspiring story provides rare insights into a little known world. 90 pages. 38 photographs, 6" x 9" inches. Softcover. ISBN 978-1-895383-04-1. Price: USD$8.50, CAD$9.98 in Canada (inc gst).

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Green Yoga

By Georg Feuerstein & Brenda Feuerstein. 164 pages. Price: USD$17.00, CAD$16.80 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN 978-0-9782138-2-4. Softcover.

GREEN YOGA is a crucially important book. It addresses the vital interrelationship between self-transformation and t preservation of our natural environment. The worldwide environmental crisis ("Sixth Mass Extinction") demands that we now do out utmost to help restore Earth's balance, so that future generations may have a habitable planet to enjoy and to support both their mundane and spiritual aspirations.

GREEN YOGA is a passionate clarion call to contemporary Yoga practitioners to translate the yogic wisdom teachings into viable "green" lifestyle, which treats both the inner and outer environments with reverence.

GREEN YOGA reviews the numerous problems we are facing: global warming and global dimming; pollution of land, water, and air; alarming extinction rate, deforestation, loss of top soil, decline of drinking water, and so forth. The authors also spell out in straightforward terms what is needful now. It is must-reading for anyone seeking to practice Yoga or indeed and other spiritual tradition in a meaningful and responsible manner in the twenty-first century.

Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D., is internationally renowned for his seminal contributions to the East-West dialogue. He has authored over 30 books, including the award-winning Shambhala Encyclopedia of Yoga, The Yoga Tradition, Yoga Morality, and Aha! Relflections on the Meaning of Everything.

Brenda Feuerstein, Georg's wife, is a former music teacher, health and fitness consultant, and Yoga instructor, as well as the present director of Traditional Yoga Studies and co-director of Green Yoga Initiative.

The authors live a simple life dedicated to helping people understand the unusual and perilous moment in which we live.

TRADITIONAL YOGA STUDIES www.traditionalyogastudies.com

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Thirumandiram: A Classic of Yoga and Tantra

by Siddhar Thirumoolar. English translation and notes by Dr. B. Natarajan, D.Litt. Edited by M. Govindan, 2003. 828 pages in 3 softcover volumes. Price: USD$39.00, CAD$44.89 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN 978-1-895383-02-7. Softcover. 6 x 9 inches.

Get connected to the roots of yoga with the first English translation of Thirumoolar's classic masterpiece of yoga, tantra and Saiva Siddhantha, the gospel of the Tamil Yoga Siddhas. It has inspired the daily life of millions in south India and helped to produce its greatest yogis and saints for the past 2,000 years. Written in 3,047 poetic gem-like verses which go far beyond Patanjali's "Yoga Sutras" in scope and depth, this international edition has been designed to facilitate the understanding of the reader with explanatory remarks in the special introductory sections, extensive footnotes, a detailed glossary, index and numerous illustrations. From the most mundane to the most sublime areas of life it provides illuminating guidance and inspiration for Self-realization and Self-transformation.

"The Thirumandiram is as important a yoga scripture as the 'Bhagavad Gita', the 'Yoga Sutras', or the voluminous and inspiring 'Yoga Vaisihtha'. This outstanding text is now available in a fine three-volume edition thanks to Marshall Govindan's labor of love."

Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D., contributing editor of "Yoga Journal" and author of the "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali", the "Encyclopedia of Yoga" and over 20 other books, in the January 1996 edition of the "Yoga Journal".

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The Practice of Integral Yoga

by Jugal Kishore Mukerjee, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Published in 2003. 366 pages in 3 softcover volumes. Price: USD$18.50, CAD$18.90 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN 81-7058-732-8. Softcover. 6 x 9 inches.

If you are inspired by the brilliance of the writings of Sri Aurobindo or your heart is called by The Mother and wish to understand in a nutshell how to practice their Integral Yoga, this is the one book you require!

If you want to experience in your body and mind what it is to "call down Grace" into your life, this is the one book you require!

If you want to develop a clear and present knowing when Divine Will is interceding in your life, this is the one book/ you require!

"We have enjoyed this book immensely. We met Professor Mukerjee, a sadhak of Integral Yoga for over 50 years, and a past director of the International Center for Education, in January 2006, at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. We were charmed by his clear message that living a divine life means being relentless in seeking out weaknesses and shortcomings in yourself and clearly and utterly determined in bridging the gap from where you are - to where you want to be....calling on the Divine, whenever necessary. He gives us the means in his book, "The Practice of Integral Yoga."

Durga and Satchidananda

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The Poets of The Powers

by Kamil V. Zvelebil, 1993. Price: USD$9.00, CAD$9.45 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN 0-941255-32-8.Softcover. 5.5 x 8 inches.

This reprint of the classic work first published in 1973 is largely based upon interviews with Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah, a direct disciple of Babaji. It was the first academic study of the culture of the 18 Siddhas of South India and presents many fascinating details which will be of great interest to the student of Babaji's Kriya Yoga. The Siddhas or "Accomplished Ones" were masters of yoga, spiritual heroes, miracle workers and minstrels in ancient times. Their poetry reflects their deep spiritual yearning, insight and experience. It also reveals that they were outspoken critics of conventional religion and morality. Kamil Zvelebil, Ph.D., is a world-renowned authority on Tamil language and culture, and pioneer of Tamil studies and university professor in the Netherlands.

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Your Mind: The Owners Manual

by Linda Joy Rose, Ph.D., 1999. 190 pages. Price: USD$16.50, CAD$16.28 in Canada (inc gst). Available in English or Spanish. ISBN 978-1-895383-09-6. Softcover. 6 x 9 inches.

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now the owner of the most sophisticated computer that has ever been invented, capable of complex reasoning, deductions, analysis and with an unlimited capacity for learning and data storage. It was gifted to you at birth: Your mind - but it did not come with a user's manual, so you are not using more than 3-5 percent of its potential!

Aside from its ability to process and store information, your mind is also the key to the creation of your destiny. In your formative years you may have received much "programming" which does not serve your present needs and goals, and may even be sabotaging their realization. Although we desire to make changes in our lives, we usually fail because we don't have the slightest idea of how to go about it. Now you can learn to make full use of the mind's potential with a practical, easy-to-understand, and fun guide.

Learn about the operation, structure, and dynamics of your mind. Access the "Power Supply" of your mind through suggestion. Discover your "Tool Kit" to create a healthy lifestyle, overcome negative habits, addictions, fear, depression and anger. A variety of methods for releasing emotional and physical stress. Techniques for healing and pain control. Exercises for enhancing self-esteem, creativity, intuition, and personal relationships. With the skills and understanding provided in this book, you will witness miraculous changes in your life.

"A wealth of intelligent, positive, and clear information that is bound to increase anyone's self-understanding. This book deserves to become a reference manual on our shelves and in our lives."

Joya Pope, author of "Upcoming Changes"

"A healing book filled with love and wisdom."

Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., Author of "Divine Guidance"

"This book contains ancient wisdom and cutting edge techniques for living life to the fullest in the 21st century. A highly practical and inspiring guide for knowing one's mind."

Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D., author of "Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams"

Written by Linda Joy Rose, Ph.D., an international expert on subconscious dynamics and the power of suggestion. Her original system for uncovering and treating childhood trauma, Hypno-Potential, has become standard practice in many countries.

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Footsteps of Saint Ramalinga

Footsteps of Saint Ramalingam, by B. Kamalakkannan, 120 pages, published July 2014. Price US$7.50 or CAD$8.40 including gst.

The inspiring life story of Ramalingam Swamigal, Tamil Nadu’s greatest 19th century Siddha, including many little known facts about Ramalingam’s life, prophecies, photographs and teachings, which the author has investigated in painstaking detail. Ramalingam attained the deathless state of soruba samadhi. He is revered universally for his great sanctity, conquest of death, and inspiring songs, sung by millions to this day. Like Tamil Siddhas before him, he worshipped the “Supreme Grace Light.”

In chapter 18 entitled “Root Cause of Enmity” the author presents facts and compelling arguments which explain why Ramalingam was persecuted in various ways by orthodox Saiva Siddhanthans who condemned him for teaching that Siva was to be found within through meditation on the Supreme Grace Light, Arutperun Jyoti, and that through this the soul’s sins or fetters could be dissolved, and one could unite with the Lord.

The author reveals that before disappearing in his room on January 30, 1874, Ramalingam said:

  1. The shop was opened. But there was none to buy. So the shop was closed.
  2. I am going to close the door of my room.  You believe that God is now in the flame of the lamp.  Therefore you worship the flame of the lamp without wasting your time.  You do meditation before this flame of the lamp keeping in your mind what I have stated in the 28 Poems commencing with the word “Ninainthu, Ninainthu”.
  3. that he “ would remain invisible for two and a half Kadigai .” (1 kadigail = 60 years. 2.5 x 60 = 150 years. 1874 + 150 = the year 2024 A.D.)

The author also includes the first English translation of these “ 28 poems”,

The author is a long time scholar of Ramalingam’s writings.

"I highly recommend this book to everyone who seeks to apply themselves to the highest teachings of the Yoga Siddhas."

Marshall Govindan

Read M. G. Satchidananda's book review of this book here

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Tapaswiji: The Saint who lived for 185 years

Tapaswiji Book

Born in 1770, Mahasamadhi in 1955

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A biography by T.S. Anantha Murthy. ISBN 81-7525-446-7, 3rd edition, 310 pages, hardback, with numerous photographs. Price: USD$26.00 or CAD$32.50 including GST. Also published in 1986 by the Dawn Horse Communion, under the title of “Maharaj.”

Born in 1770 in the royal family of Patiala, prince Krishna Singh was past 55 years old, when he embarked on his spiritual quest for the divine. He performed decades of intense tapas (penance) in the Himalayas and earned the name of Tapaswiji Maharaj. He intuited the highest levels of spiritual wisdom and reached the loftiest yogic states. He became a celebrated saint and a master of masters. In 1955 after an amazing life of 185 years, he voluntarily departed from his body in a final yogic act with AUM resonating on his lips.

From a Himalayan master he learnt the secrets of Kaya-kalpa treatment, a cellular rejuvenation process, for the rejuvenation of the human body. He went through the Kaya-kalpa treatments to regain his own youth three times. He secured the darsan of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, Lord Dattatrey, Lord Parasurama, goddess Mahalakshimi and of several historic masters, sages, and personages, including Guru Nanak, Narada Maharshi, Durvasa Maharshi and Aswathama. During his long life time, he traveled all over India imparting spiritual wisdom to innumerable seekers of truth. He was established in the Self. He realized the divine play everywhere and loved everyone equally with a blissful smile. He exhibited a childlike spirit at all times, enjoying every moment. In the 1940’s T.S. Anantha Murthy became a close disciple of Tapaswiji. As the author of this biography, he has recorded the most remarkable spiritual experiences, encounters with other masters and many other mysterious events that the saint himself revealed. Readers of this biography will be inspired in their own spiritual efforts and elevated to higher levels of spiritual inquiry.

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Babaji's Kriya Yoga Journal

Price: USD$14.00, CAD$13.65 or CAD$14.95 in Quebec (includes applicable taxes). Shipping by regular mail in Canada and by airmail in USA and overseas included. (Note: A one year subscription of the Journal will contain four quarterly issues, which are sent out as a pdf file via e-mail by default, or as a hardcopy by ground shipping if you prefer. Please indicate your choice in the shipping preference.)

"Satsang" is the sharing of truth between fellow travellers along a spiritual path. While satsang most often implies a close physical proximity between those who are sharing, its essence knows no limits, and so, even a journal such as this may bring us together, though we may be thousands of miles apart. We invite you, dear reader, to share with your fellow readers of this journal articles which you may author, letters to the editor, poems, jokes, recipes, questions, book reviews, news and notes. In this issue you will find regular columns pertaining to each of these. This journal will also serve to keep you informed of upcoming activities involving Kriya Yoga around the world, as well as recent important events which may be of importance to you.

Through this sharing may we all become a little closer and a little wiser, and may we find, perhaps, the support and encouragement that we often need to continue the path of discipleship. Through this journal we believe that you will come to know Babaji more and more intimately, first in yourself, then in your brother and sister disciples and ultimately in everyone and everything in the Universal Vision of Love.

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The Yoga of Siddha Avvai

by S.N. Kandaswamy, Ph D, 2005. 370 pages. Price: USD$17.95, CAD$19.43 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN: 978-1-895383-28-7

from the foreword by M. Govindan

Avvai is considered to be one of the most influential sages among the Tamil speaking people of south India. Her poems and literary works, dating from the first millenium of the modern era are recited by millions of Tamil speaking school children in south Asia to this day. A huge statue of her stands along Marina Beach Drive, in Chennai, along the shore of the Indian ocean. The values and wisdom which her poems convey however, has a source. It is this source which the present volume, "The Siddha Yoga Tradition of Avvai and Her Literary Work: Vinayakar Akaval," sheds much new light upon. The author takes us on a literary, historical and spiritual tour of ancient Indian culture, and in so doing, helps us to understand her origins and greatness.

Like her illustrious forebearer, the Siddha Thiruvallavar, whose influence on Tamil culture and values, through his magnus opus Thiru Kural, is universally acknowledged, Avvai was also a Siddha Yogi. While Thiruvallavar was a disciple of Agastyar, and brother disciple of Babaji Nagaraj, the originator of Kriya Yoga, Avvai claims that her Guru was the sound of Aum, the Pranava itself, personified in the form of Ganesha, who taught her Kundalini Yoga. Her poetry invokes the presence of the Guru, and then ignites within the reader the flame of spiritual consciousness. It also points to the esoteric practice of Kundalini Yoga as the path which leads to enlightenment and God realization. Her's is a wonderful example of arrupadai, the Siddha's ideal of showing the path to others. If the purpose of human knowledge is to alleviate human suffering, then that knowledge or wisdom which eliminates suffering completely is the most valuable. Like all of the Siddhas, she shared her wisdom with this purpose. Their teachings are universal, non-sectarian, and very much needed in today's suffering world.

Students of Kriya Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Jnana, and Tantra as well as devotees of Ganesha (Vinyakar) and students of Tamil literature and culture will all find much insight and greater understanding of their path as a result of studying this volume. Readers familiar with Avvai's moral sayings may be surprised to learn of the origins of her wisdom, and be inspired themselves to apply themselves to Yogic sadhana.

"On a personal note, in 1981, I had a vision of Avvai at a shrine which was dedicated to her in the Babaji's Kriya Yoga ashram where I resided for a number of years beginning in 1972. Located at 13 AR Street, in Kanandukathan, Chettinad, Tamil Nadu, the large granite shrine contained a large number of rare and ancient palm leaf manuscripts written by the Siddhas. A murthi, or granite statue of Avvai sat atop the granite sarcophagus like repository of these manuscripts. Sitting in this shrine one day, in front of her murthi, I had a vision of her, and she told me "If you remain faithful to us, we will work through you." So, I trace my efforts to preserve, translate and publish the writings of the Siddhas to that moment."

M. Govindan Satchidananda

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The Yoga of the Eighteen Siddhas: An Anthology

Edited by T.N.Ganapathy, Ph D, 2005. Foreword by M. Govindan Satchidananda. 670 pages. Price: USD$29.00, CAD$29.40 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN: 978-1-895383-24-9

This collection contains selected verses from each of the 18 Siddhas, in the original Tamil, with transliteration, English translation and commentary. Appendices, glossary, index and bibliography.

The Yoga of the Eighteen Siddhas: An Anthology should be studied by every serious student of Yoga and Tantra as well as scholars and philosophers. It contains the revolutionary statements of those great men and women who have reached the furthest heights of human potential, and who left behind a roadmap for the rest of us. The "Eighteen Yoga Siddhas" is a tradition referred to in the ancient Tamil language literature. Its illustrious members travelled all over the world, had extremely long lives and performed what most of us would consider to be miracles. They did not like to be autobiographical, preferring to identify themselves with that deathless jivatma, being-consciousness-bliss. Consequently, they consciously changed bodies as easily as we change clothes, when necessary, laughing at the limitations of ordinary humans. They were not only mystics in the truest sense, but revolutionaries against human nature, and they envisioned and embodied Divinity, as a result of tremendous efforts of self-mastery and self-surrender to their God-head.

They left behind their teachings in the form of poems, written on palm leaves, or edus. These works, have been badly neglected by scholars to date, because of the difficulty in deciphering them. The Siddhas wrote in what has been referred to as a "twilight language," to obscure the meaning from all but the most sincere students, and prompting the reader to seek the deepest meaning within themselves.

The Siddhas represent the best of what we can all aspire to become. Their illuminating writings, so filled with the light of God realization, leave a profound impact upon the hearts and mind of the reader. They also provide a unique source of understanding of both the means and results of Kundalini Yoga, a great esoteric art and science.

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Boganathar Volume 1

by T.N. Ganapathy, 2003. 375 pages total. Price: USD$25.00, CAD$24.10 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN 978-1-895383-19-5. Softcover. 6X9 inches.

Volume 1 narrates the life of Bogar and his teachings, Kundalini-Yoga, Astanga-Yoga, samadhi, and a translation and commentary of about seventy-five selected poems. By contemplating the verses, the conscious-energy of Boganathar may be absorbed, and their hidden meaning may be revealed.

Boganathar was the Siddha guru of Kriya Babaji Nagaraj, the famed Himalayan master, of whom much has been written. Boganathar lived an extremely long life through the use of alchemical rejuvenation formulae and special breathing techniques. He traveled all over the world, chronicled the lives of Siddhas much older than himself, and provided his disciples an illumined path to Self-realization and integral transformation of human nature into divinity. His astounding life provides a shining example of our human potential. The present work provides a biography of Boganathar, as we can glean it from his writings alone, as well as introductory chapters on the Siddha tradition and Kundalini Yoga.

The present work also provides a translation and commentary of about seventy-five selected poems, which serious students of all traditions of Kundalini Yoga and Tantra will find illuminating. By meditating upon the verses, the reader will be able to draw much inspiration.

The present work provides a word-by-word translation, with alternative meanings, as well as a literal translation, and finally an interpretative translation, to balance the need for precision and understanding and to facilitate a deeper meditative approach to the various layers of meaning of each verse.

"The Yoga traditions of India have been frequently neglected. This book, the first in a new series, seeks to remedy this situation. Dr Ganapathy and his team have labored hard to launch this series, and they do so with one of the most illustrious masters of Siddha Yoga - Bogar. This volume is a great starting point for exploring the Tantric Yoga of the Siddhas."

Georg Feuerstein, Ph. D., author of "The Shambhala Encyclopedia of Yoga".

"The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar" by T.N. Ganapathy, Ph. D., is the first in a series of publications produced by the Yoga Siddha Research Project sponsored by Babaji's Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas and Yoga Research and Education Center.

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Boganathar Volume 2

by T.N.Ganapathy, Ph D, 2005. Foreword by M.Govindan. 540 pages. Price: USD$27.00, CAD$27.83 in Canada (inc gst). ISBN: 978-1-895383-26-3

Volume 2 contains the English translation with commentary of two works by Boganathar: (1) Initiation of wisdom, written in 156 verses which teaches all about pranayama, the description and significance of various cakras, and the process of Kundalini-Yoga, the 36 principles of existence, and above all the true meaning of muppal, the three empty spaces, (2) The Cream of Wisdom, 45 verses, describes Kundalini-Yoga, pranayama, the ten types of empowerment, the 18 energized centers encircling the sahasrara, the method of liberation. Original Tamil language script, its transliteration in Roman characters, word by word translation, summary translation and commentary elucidating the meaning of each verse.

From the foreword by M. Govindan Satchidananda

"The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar volume 2" by Dr. T.N. Ganapathy takes us further into the little known world of the Siddhas, adepts of Yoga, who for millennia, have explored the furthest reaches of human potentiality and spiritual development. Boganathar was not only one of the greatest adepts of Yoga of all time, but also a great scientist. In our present scientific age, the study of his works is especially rewarding. For the past 500 years, our western civilization has suffered from a schism between the rational, scientific view of life, and the spiritual or religious view. This divide, created in the politically charged period of the Reformation still haunts us. So, it is instructive to see in both the life of Boganathar, recorded in volume 1, and the writings on Yoga, in volume 2, how one great man married the two views.

Dr. T.N. Ganapathy has rendered a great service to all lovers of spirituality and science in the present work. For the first time ever, the writings of Boganathar, the greatest scientist of the Siddha tradition, have been translated into English, and a useful commentary on these profound and difficult texts has been rendered. The present volume contains poems which all lovers of Kundalini Yoga and Tantra will find inspiring.

By contemplating the poems of this present volume, the cit-sakti or consciousness-energy of Boganathar may be absorbed, and the reader will enter a higher state of consciousness. This subtle process, referred to as swadhya or self-study, by Patanjali, in sutra 2.1 of his Yoga-Sutras is an important part of the sadhana of every student of Kriya Yoga and Tantra. While the poems have many layers of meaning, and such meanings can provide much useful guidance to the practitioner, it is this process of Self-realization and transformation which is most important in the contemplation of the works of the Siddhas like Boganathar. For this reason, one should not read these poems as one would read an ordinary poem. After invoking Boganathar by name and with reverence, one should first repeat the words of the poem in the original language of Tamil. By so doing, one may enter into the spirit of the work and communion with the author. Then one should review the meaning of each word, then the literal translation, then the summary translation, and finally the commentary. Afterwards, one should meditate on the poem and with practice one may receive intuitively its hidden meaning. Each poem is like a key, and like a key it must be turned carefully in a lock to allow one to enter into a new space. By contemplating the poems in this way, one may enter into a new space, where the hidden meaning is revealed. Otherwise, the poem will remain as ink on paper just as a key is a useless piece of metal if unused. The Siddhas like Boganathar would typically meditate for up to one year before writing a poem, and the poem would serve as a point of departure for the disciple to contemplate, leading to all that the Siddha intended to communicate. In this way, the teachings of the Siddhas were revealed only to the most sincere persons, who were prepared to purify themselves by yogic sadhana, self-study and devotion to the Lord.

Dr. Ganapathy has so applied himself, and as a result, he has been able to a large extent able to decipher the meaning of the poems of Boganathar. It has been a joy for myself and my wife, Durga, to assist him in this process, and to contribute to the commentaries herein. It has been a process of discovery, and I invite the reader to continue it.

"I recommend this work to all practioners of Yoga and Tantra and to all who are seeking for an example of how the science and spirituality can combine."

Marshall Govindan Satchidananda

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The Yoga of Tirumular: Essays on the Tirumandiram

Read the Book Review by The Hindu

by Dr. T.N. Ganapathy, Ph.D and Dr. KRA Arumugam, Ph.D. “The Yoga of Tirumandiram: Essays on the Tirumandiram” may be ordered from Babaji's Kriya Yoga and Publications. ISBN 978-1-895383-21-8. 558 pages softcover. Price: USD$26.00, CAD$29.40 in Canada (inc gst).

This book fulfills a longtime need for a comprehensive introduction and commentary in the English language for one of Yoga's greatest source works: the Tirumandiram or “Holy Garland of Mantras,'described by Dr. Georg Feuerstein Ph.D “as important as the Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga-Vashistha combined.” Tirumandiram is considered to be the greatest and earliest seminal work of the Siddhas, the greatest adepts of Yoga, and an encyclopedia of philosophical and spiritual wisdom rendered in verse form. It is a book of Yoga, tantra, alchemy, mysticism, mantra, yantra and philosophy. But without a commentary, it has been difficult for most English readers, unfamiliar with much of its underlying philosophical concepts, to clearly understand.

This new book explain clearly the most important themes and philosophical concepts which are woven throughout the Tirumandiram. These include: Saivism; the nature of Siva and the relationship which the soul or jiva has with the Lord; the philosophical school of Saiva Siddhantha ; the concepts of God, the soul, the world, liberation, the paths to liberation; the bonds or impurities which keep the soul in bondage; the concept of Grace; Love; meditation; jnana ; the Yoga of Tirumandiram: Astanga-Yoga, Khecari-yoga, Pariyana-Yoga (tantric yoga), Chandra-Yoga (literally “moon” yoga), Kundalini-Yoga; mysticism, the concept of the human body and its transformation into a divine body; the concept of the guru; the social concerns of the Tirumular. With an understanding of the basic ideas, the reader will then be stimulated to make a detailed study of the Tirumandiram itself.

It is the sixth publication in a series produced by scholars ot the Yoga Siddha Research Center, in Chennai, south India, sponsored by Babaji's Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas and the Yoga Research and Education Center. The present work benefits from the great familiarity which the authors have developed over many years of full time study of much of the massive body of palm leaf manuscripts written by the Siddhas.

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The Treasure Trove of Yoga Siddha Manuscripts

A Tamil language publication

“Treasure Trove of Yoga Siddha Manuscripts” may be ordered from Babaji's Kriya Yoga and Publications. Price: USD$15.00, CAD$16.00 in Canada (inc GST). ISBN 978-1-895383-83-6. 127 pages in the printed guide, CD of all verses in the rear cover.

The Treasure Trove of Tamil Yoga Siddha Manuscripts is a guide to more than thirteen thousand verses composed by Tamil Yoga Siddhars during the medieval Sangam period. These verses, available as palm leaf manuscripts, were recently collected, scanned, transcribed into modern Tamil and edited by an eminent team of scholars and manuscriptologists. The guide is a valuable resource, not only for lovers of Siddha poetry, but also for scholars, translators and researchers in the fields of Yoga and Tantra.

127 pages in the printed guide. All 13,276 verses on 1,677 pages are included in a compact disc inserted in the rear cover.

To help the reader identify each poem's subject matter, the guide contains an introduction and brief summary of each text by Dr. T.N. Pranatharthiharan, Ph.D. He is the former Professor and Head of the Tamil Research Centre, American College, Madurai, and currently the Principal of Swami Dayanandha College of Arts, Manjakkudi, Tamil Nadu. He has been the editor of the quarterly magazine Ramana Oli for 37 years. With an M.A. in Tamil, an M.A. in English an M.A. and Ph.D in Philosophy, along with the experience of translating 38 books from English to Tamil, Tamil to English and Sanskrit to English, he is well qualified to write this annotated bibliography of the poems in this collection.

The guide was edited by Dr. T.N. Ganapathy, Ph.D, the Director of the Yoga Siddha Research Project who headed the study to identify and preserve, in a computer accessible format, all of the palm leaf manuscripts of the Tamil Siddhars related to Yoga (but not medicine) from various libraries and private collections in South India. Dr. Ganapathy has also written an extensive foreword to the guide. There are additional annotations in the guide to make the contents of the manuscripts easily understandable. It is the eighth in a series of publications produced by the Project's scholars and by Babaji's Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas, an organization founded by Marshall Govindan who also sponsored the project.

The Yoga Siddha Research Center Publication Series No. 8

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Recovering the Self: texts about Babaji's Kriya Yoga

by Nityananda, ISBN 978-1-895383-89-8   Price: 5 Euros, Cn$6.60 including GST tax and US$6.00, Number of images - 20, 113 pages.

This ebook lovingly offers personal insights and experiences, which Nityananda has had with Babaji’s Kriya Yoga over his decades of practice. This work describes the origin of this Kriya Yoga path and explains in an easy and interesting way its many different aspects and benefits. It also analyzes the challenges that the student must face, grants understanding of them and proposes different useful suggestions to improve the yogic practice in one’s personal life.

If you are thinking about Initiation into Babaji’s Kriya Yoga, these texts will give you a general view of it, a useful introduction. If you are already initiated, they will support you and guide you in your practice, providing you with a better understanding of the path, the pitfalls inherent in it, and how to advance successfully along it.

“After years of practice, it is a pleasure for me to share my experience and my understanding about this path, with the only intention that others might benefit from it. A form of being grateful for all that I received from those who preceded me,” Nityananda.

Nityananda is a student of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga since 1996, and a member of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas. He offers to sincere seekers of Self-realization initiation into all levels of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga, particularly in Spain and South America. He is also a professional journalist, the author of three other books, and lives with his wife and daughter in Valencia, Spain.

"Acharya Nityananda ( Nacho Albalat) offers the reader his enlightened reflections on yogic sadhana and on the transformative power of the scientific discipline of Babaji's Kriya Yoga which develops the evolution of ordinary limited human consciousness into it's fullest awakened potential.
The readers' Self -Awareness is heightened by his inspirational explorations on many spiritual topics: Babaji Nagaraj, Mataji Annai, Kundalini, Chakras, Tantra and Bhakti Yoga, Dark night of the Soul, Detachment and the commonality shared by all Kriya Yoga lineages."

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TRUTH SPEAKS - Ebook * New! *


by Yoga Siddha Sivavakkiyar, Translation and Commentary by Dr. Geetha Anand Ph D. and Dr. T.N. Ganapathy Ph D.
Truth Speaks” (Civavakkiyam) includes original Tamil verses, English translation and commentary. May be ordered from Babaji's Kriya Yoga and Publications. In USA and overseas: Price: USD$7.50, In Canada: CAD$9.00 (inc gst). Number of color photographs- approximately 150 (total images 198), ISBN 978-1-895383-85-0. 346 page Ebook

“Who am I? Why am I here? How did I get here?” These are some of the questions that have been plaguing mankind since time immemorial.  Various attempts to answer these questions have led to the evolution of the religions and philosophies of the world.  The Tamil Siddhas or mystical saints from South India have answered these questions in the form of poems in vernacular that are popularly called Siddar Pādalgal or Songs of the Siddhas.  These songs are famous for their non-conforming and revolutionary ideas besides their bluntness and forthright directness.  One of the Tamil Siddhas, Sivavakkiyar is a well-known “pious rebel” who composed Truth Speaks (Civavākkiyam), a collection of around 530 verses on topics ranging from kundalini yoga to social issues.  The forceful clarity and absolute sincerity of these songs jolt people out of their intellectual rut and conventional thinking.  These songs criticize mindless worship rituals, ceremonies, pilgrimages and recitation of scriptures besides condemning social injustices such as discrimination based on caste and creed.   They explain the ultimate goal of life and teach us how to achieve it.  They also give practical instructions on kundalini yoga, mantra japa, the cakras and vāsi yoga.  The songs explain the nature of the body, the soul, how a soul adorns the body and how the mantra namacivaya correlates with everything in the manifested universe.  These songs show us that the philosophy of the Tamil Siddhas is a Philosophy of the Spirit which is not confined to any notion or nation, religion or community.  It is for the betterment of the entire human race.

We now present to you a complete translation of Civavākkiyam along with expert commentary on each of the verses.  We have posted a sampler of select verses from Civavākkiyam to give you a feel for the verses and the topics. Click here to view this sample.

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Monistic Theism of the Tirumandiram and Kashmir Saivism

by Dr. Geetha Anand Ph D. and Dr. T.N. Ganapathy Ph D., “Monistic Theism of the Tirumandiram (Thirumandiram) and Kashmir Saivism - Monograph” may be ordered from Babaji's Kriya Yoga and Publications. Price: In USA and overseas: USD$2.99, In Canada: CAD$3.14 (inc gst). 33 page Ebook.

In January 2012, we are publishing the 2nd edition of "The Yoga of Tirumular: Essays on the Tirumandiram," in India. At my request,  Dr. Ganapathy and Dr. Geeta Anand have written for it a new final chapter, 33 pages in length,  which discusses the debate over whether the Tirumandiram advocates pluralistic realism or monistic theism. Essentially the debate boils down to the question of "Are there three eternal realities: God, the soul and the world? Or  is there really only One, all else being merely an illusion?"  This chapter also compares  the school of Kashmir Shaivism to the Tirumandiram, because both advocate a perspective which bridges the above two competing  viewpoints.   This chapter contains three parts.  The first part contains selected verses to show that the burden of the song of the Tirumandiram is monism only.  The second part gives a brief account of Kashmir Śaivism representing it as a Śaivite model of monism.  The third part  shows the parallelism between the Tirumandiram and Kashmir Śaivism to emphasize the viewpoint that the Tirumandiram advocates monism and monism only. This parallel study is an unexplored field hitherto.  By using the term ‘parallelism’, it is suggested that there might have been no known historical, literary or philosophical interaction between the two systems and that there is no concrete evidence so far to say that either system has influenced the other.  If you order “The Yoga of Tirumular,” from Canada, you will receive in addition to the book, this new chapter as Ebook in PDF format, until our stock of the first edition is sold out.  If you wish to order only this new chapter, as a 33 page monograph, you may do so here, for $2.99  It will be sent to you as an email attachment in a PDF file.

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Opposite Doing: The Five Yogic Keys to Good Relationships

by Marshall Govindan, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-895383-84-3. “Opposite Doing: The Five Yogic Keys to Good Relationships” may be ordered from Babaji's Kriya Yoga and Publications. Price: In USA and overseas: USD$2.50, In Canada: CAD$2.62 (inc gst). 23 page Ebook.

Persons new to Yoga are often surprised to learn that most of what we do in Yoga is intentionally the opposite of what our human nature would generally motivate us to do. Aside from the obvious examples, of remaining conscious when the eyes are closed rather than sleeping, or standing on our head rather than our feet, Yoga asks us to do the opposite of our natural social behavior. These are not only moral or ethical injunctions, but serve a very practical purpose. I will show you, with practical exercises, how the observance of the five yogic practices, known as the yamas will enable you to transform your human nature and to fulfill both your practical and sublime purposes in life. The yamas, are the social restraints prescribed by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras: The restraints are non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, chastity, and greedlessness. - Yoga Sutras: 2.30. By following the yamas, the practitioner’s mind is tamed and becomes a conduit for the unfettered experience of higher consciousness, from the Divine, the True Self. PDF Ebook $2.50.

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Silent Retreat at Quebec Ashram

Initiation at the Quebec

Christmas to New Years retreat
Dec 24, 2024 – Jan 2, 2025

Click here for details

1st Initiation
May 16-18, 2025
May 23-25, 2025
August 29-31, 2025

With M. G. Satchidananda

Quebec: click here for details
Warwick, RI: click here for details

Free Yoga classes at the Kriya Yoga Ashram in St. Etienne de Bolton
Tuesday: 9:30am. - 11am.
Sunday: 1pm. - 2:30pm.

Click here for details

2nd Initiation
June 20-22, 2025
October 3-5, 2025
With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

3rd Initiation
July 18-27, 2025
With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

Kriya Hatha Teacher Training
July 31 - August 15, 2025
With M. G. Satchidananda and Durga Ahlund

Click here for details

M.G. Satchidananda receives Patanjali Award for 2014

NEW: Receive our Inspirational Babaji message cards!
via WhatsApp or Instagram

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* Testimonial *

student testimonials and insights

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Click here for 2nd initiation

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